
Н и Н Транспорт Логистика АД

Обща информация

За фирмата

N & N Transport Logistics AD is a transport company headquartered in the city of Plovdiv. It offers domestic and international freight transport, logistics and forwarding services, predominately to and from Germany, Benelux, Great Britain, Austria, France, Spain, Turkey. N & N Transport Logistics AD is continuously expanding its activities, specializing in the transport of perishable goods by refrigerated semi-trailers, as well as transport of oversized cargo. At present, the company has good positions in the international and domestic goods and freight transport market, and with its large number of trucks, it is one of the largest international carriers in Plovdiv and the region. At this stage of its development, the Company has succeeded in making its name and reputation as a good business partner. N & N Transport Logistics AD has established business relations with both Bulgarian and foreign companies - importers, exporters and intermediaries, as about 80% of its customers are loyal.

Данни за контакт

Подробности за фирмата

  • Адрес
    Пловдив, Община Родопи, с. Ягодово, п.к. 4113, ул. Цариградско шосе-изхода на Пловдив, база МАН СЕРВИЗ
  • WEB
  • Социални мрежи
  • Общо служители
  • Година на основаване
  • Текущи работни места